
The concept of ESG, which stands for environmental, social, and governance, has become well-known among businesses. Adopting ESG practices is a growing trend that steers companies towards sustainable development objectives and increased accountability in their business activities.

Implementing ESG practices helps to mitigate risks associated with environmental, social, and governance issues, steering businesses towards more sustainable and economical operations. ESG can also offer a competitive edge in the marketplace and draw the attention of investors.

However, ESG is not a magic wand that can transform business operations overnight. It is a process that requires businesses to have a proper understanding of ESG. The issue is knowing where to start. What is the roadmap to help businesses implement ESG? What scale of business can implement ESG? What are the difficulties and challenges when businesses practice ESG... The forum titled "ESG – From Ideas to Action" will address these questions.

The forum, in collaboration with the EuroCham Green Growth Sector Committee (GGSC), will commence with the "Green Morning Vietnam! Workshop," which aims to present an overview of the ESG topic, tracing its global trends, with a special emphasis on Vietnam.

The ESG Series Masterclass, organized in conjunction with the ESG & Sustainable Business Transition Alliance and endorsed by various chambers of commerce (BeluxCham, CanCham, CCIFV, CCIPV, CEEC, DBAV, HKCham, GBA, SCCV, NordCham), will follow the forum.


Businesses will understand their position in the ESG journey, gauge their readiness for ESG, and identify what impediments they face in implementing ESG practices.

In the ESG Series Masterclass, businesses will have the opportunity to practice ESG with experienced speakers from the industries.

The forum is designed specifically for businesses truly interested in ESG and those ready to transform to embark on the ESG business transition.


Green Morning Vietnam! Workshop

Ms. Dženeta Mulabegović

Sustainable Development Specialist

United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Vietnam

Mr. Erick Contreras


Eurocham Green Growth Sector Committee (GGSC)

ESG Series Masterclass

Mr. Sergio Pereira Da Silva

Vice Chairman

EuroCham Green Growth Sector Committee (GGSC) Chairman Chamber of Commerce and Industry Portugal-Vietnam (CCIPV) Managing Partner & Architect Saraiva + Associados Vietnam

Mr. Douglas Lee Snyder

Executive Director

Vietnam Green Building Council

Ms. Betty Pallard

Vice Chairwoman

EuroCham Green Growth Sector Committee (GGSC) Chairwoman & CVO Linkpower

Ms. Shahrazad Aboulossoud

Research & Innovation consultant

European Financial Grant expert

Mr. Do Ngoc Quynh

General Executive Secretary

Vietnam Bond Market Association (VBMA)

Allinnettes Go Adigue

Head of the ASEAN Regional

Hub of the Global Reporting Initiative

Mr. Nguyen Cong Minh Bao

Vice Chairman

EuroCham Green Growth Sector Committee (GGSC), Co-chairman French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam ESG TaskForce (CCIFV), Co-founder & COO ESGs & Climate Consulting

Mr. Pham Hoang Hai

Partnership Development Head

Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development (VBCSD) – Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)

Ms. Nguyen Nam Anh

Head of Listed Companies

Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE)

Where & When


From 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

on June 13, 2024


Rex Saigon Hotel

141 Nguyen Hue Blvd, District 1, HCMC


The ESG Forum is expected to welcome domestic and foreign-invested businesses, particularly those keen on fostering dialogue on ESG practices and sustainable development.


The ESG Forum 2024 will take place on June 13, 2024, at Rex Saigon Hotel, HCMC

Part 1: Green Morning Vietnam! Workshop

8:00 - 8:30 a.m.

Welcoming guests

8:40 - 8:50 a.m.

Opening remarks

8:50 - 9:10 a.m.

ESG Landscape: History, Global Trend, and Vietnam Focus

9:10 – 9:30 a.m.

Presentation 1

9:30 – 9:50 a.m.

Presentation 2

9:50 – 10:30 a.m.

Q&A session

10:30 – 10:50 a.m.

Presenting Net-Zero Carbon certificates

Part 2: ESG Series Masterclass

10:50 – 13:50 p.m.

Workshop 1: How to incorporate ESG in the construction sector?

ESG integration in construction sector
• Environmental factors
• Social factors
• Governance factors
• Risk assessment and planning
• Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement
• Operational Adjustments and Tracking

Workshop 2: Finance transition & ESG disclosures

- Practical steps for integrating ESG criteria into investment portfolios
- Tools and methodologies for assessing ESG risks and opportunities
- Examples of ESG integration in various sectors
- Overview of current ESG regulations and reporting standards
- Upcoming changes and future trends in ESG finance
- Implications for investors and companies
- Regulatory landscape and future trends
• Explanation of how transition finance can fuel the green market
• Analysis of mechanisms and instruments involved
• Examples of successful transition finance initiatives in Vietnam
- Climate bond initiatives – successful case study in Vietnam

Workshop 3: ESG reporting & ranking framework, where to start in Vietnam?

As ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) ratings become increasingly vital for showcasing sustainability commitments, understanding the complexities of the rating landscape is paramount. With various agencies offering diverse assessments, knowing who rates the raters is essential. This presentation delves into strategies for maximizing the benefits of ESG ratings for companies and investors alike. It explores the risks posed by the lack of regulation and underscores the need for standardized guidelines to bolster the credibility and usefulness of ESG ratings.
- Introduction to the Masterclass and its objective (Mr. Bao)
- Navigating ESG Ratings: Ensuring meaningful assessments and effective utilization in global context (Ms. Ally)
- Navigating ESG Reporting & Rating in Vietnam (Mr. Bao)
- CSI introduction (Mr. Hai)
- VNSI introduction (Ms. Nam Anh)
- Open questions from the floor to speakers (all speakers)
- Risk & Materiality Matrix exercise on case studies (Mr. Hai, Mr. Bao, Ms. Nam Anh)

13:50 – 14:00 p.m.



The forum is tailored for businesses interested in ESG and prepared to undertake the ESG business transition. As such, seating is limited and exclusively available to businesses that register promptly.
* Tickets include entrance fee, tea-break and support for carbon offset toward NET-ZERO Carbon event, excluding VAT.




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ESG Journey