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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tan Hiep Phat lends helping hand to children to continue schooling

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Along with 150 students who are their children or grandchildren coming to receive gifts from Tan Hiep Phat Group’s journey “Connecting with love – Steadfastly going to school”, parents and grandparents were all moved by the community’s kindness to support the children’s efforts to go to school.

One hundred fifty gifts, with each of them worth VND2 million, were given to students in challenging circumstances in Hau Giang Province in the “Connecting with love – Steadfastly going to school” program supported by Tan Hiep Phat Company through coordination with Red Cross in Hau Giang last weekend.

“I dream of one day buying a boat again to take my grandchild to school.”

Although the program started at 9:00 a.m., parents and their children were already present at the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Department Hall by 7:00 a.m. to wait for Tan Hiep Phat’s gifts.

Sitting in front of the hall, Mrs. Duong Thi Tam, a 73-year-old resident in Vi Dong Commune, Vi Thuy District, said that she felt “so happy that I couldn’t sleep” these past few days since hearing that her grandchild would receive a gift.

Mrs. Tam’s grandchild, H.H.Y.V, is currently a 4th grader. V.’s parents have broken up. His mother went to work far away. V. lives with her grandparents. Vy’s mother sends Mr. and Mrs. Tam VND1.5 million every month to help with the child’s education.

“I have a heart disease. A few years ago, I had to sell all my land to go to Can Tho for heart surgery. Without land, my husband and I have to live in the field, making a living by picking vegetables to sell, earning only VND40,000 to VND50,000 a day. The other day, I used the money I saved from the beginning of the year to buy a new boat for 3.5 million to go to the market and take my grandchild to school more safely but it was unfortunately stolen,” Mrs. Tam lamented.

Ms. Tam and her grandchild took an old and worn-out boat to the market to park it to an acquaintance and then took a motorbike taxi to get here, she said. “I’m very happy. I’ve worked hard but can hardly make ends meet. Today, with a gift from the benefactor, I will take my grandchild to buy her a new outfit for the beginning of this school year. I just wish that one day I would have enough money to buy a new boat for my child to go to school. Since my house is in the middle of the field 2km from school, I have to take the boat to bring my grandchild to school every day,” Ms. Tam revealed her plans for both of them.

Mrs. Chin said she was so happy that she decided to take a day off from selling sticky rice to take her grandchild to receive gifts

On the same boat is Ms. Nguyen Thi Chin residing in area 3, Long My Town. Mr. and Mrs. Chin do not have farmland and have to rely on the market for daily subsistence.

Mrs. Chin’s grandchild is P.N.A, a student of Class 4A6 at Thuan An primary school, Long My town. She said that every year her grandchild receives a certificate of merit for being an excellent student.

Her father passed away. Her mother remarried and A. has since lived with her grandparents. The family has no land. So Mr. and Mrs. Chin wake up at 4:00 a.m. to cook sticky rice, and at 6:30 a.m. they take it to the market to sell. If they can’t sell it all, they go out and sell it on the street. Mrs. Chin said that she has to take care of A. alongside another maternal grandchild because her daughter works far away.

“Today I went to receive gifts so I took a day off from selling sticky rice,” Mrs. Chin said with a smile. “Two of us took a motorbike taxi ride at 7 a.m. I am very happy because the gift is the equivalent of what both my husband and I earn from selling sticky rice all month. After receiving the gift, I will take my grandchild to the market for a bowl of pho,” Mrs. Chin said.

Efforts to be of service to society when caring for and protecting children

Sharing at the gift giving ceremony, Mr. David Charles Riddle, representative of Tan Hiep Phat Company, emphasized: “The gifts not only have material value but also motivate and encourage children to develop their spirit of ‘Nothing is impossible’: working hard to overcome difficulties; studying hard towards a better future.”

Mr. Tran Van Huyen, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Council of Hau Giang Province and Mr. David Riddle, representative of Tan Hiep Phat Company, presented gifts to students

Mr. Tran Van Huyen, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Council of Hau Giang Province, sent his thanks to Tan Hiep Phat Company for not only investing in the factory, creating jobs for workers, contributing to promoting local economic development but also paying special attention to students in challenging circumstances in Hau Giang Province. At the same time, he reminds students to continue their efforts to overcome difficulties to pursue their studies as education and qualifications are the foundation to improve their livelihood and to have a solid future. “If you have any difficulties, please contact the relevant agencies, the Party Committee and the People’s Committee of Hau Giang Province. We will join hands with the children. The provincial leaders’ view is: “Not under any circumstances or difficulties should children have to drop out of school,” Mr. Huyen said.

With the motto “Offering the best to children”, at the beginning of the last school year, especially during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Tan Hiep Phat Company gifted more than 30,000 mooncakes and about 30,000 cases of products such as Number 1 Soya Calcium soy milk to children and students from provinces and cities across the country so they can have more joy and energy to strive for the new school year.

Mr. David Riddle affirmed: “For Tan Hiep Phat, taking care of children is not a charitable activity but a responsibility to the community in general, children in particular and it is an obligation to be of service to society.”

Tan Hiep Phat Company’s efforts to care for and protect children, especially children in difficult circumstances, are not limited to “charity”. Mr. David Riddle said: “We always try to directly reach the children, especially those living in social service shelters because they are the most vulnerable individuals in society due to their special circumstances”.

Walking the talk, since the beginning of 2023, Tan Hiep Phat has sponsored 11 more shelters in Binh Duong with a total monthly support value of VND200 million, including VND95 million in cash and 600 cartons of beverages. In particular, Tan Hiep Phat also provides an additional VND50 million per month for Huynh Tieu Huong shelter to pay for meals for students attending junior and senior high schools.

Children at a shelter sponsored monthly by Tan Hiep Phat Company

Previously, at the end of 2022 when Tan Hiep Phat sponsored 50 children orphaned by the Covid-19 pandemic, in the presence of their families and the media, the Company’s leaders promised to provide mentorship for the children throughout the coming years, not just simply “material sponsorship”.

Keeping its commitment, on special occasions such as holidays, Tan Hiep Phat has meaningful activities for the children. Most recently, on the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mr. David Riddle, representating the Company’s leadership, led a group of employees to visit and give gifts to 50 children, making their relatives very happy and deeply moved by Tan Hiep Phat’s persevering companionship with the family of each child both financially and emotionally over the past year.

Mr. Hang Huu Nghia (a 67-year-old delivery man), the grandfather of two children, H.N.X and H.Q.V, orphaned by Covid, and staying at Phu Lam Residence, District 6, shared with overwhelming emotions: “Every month a staff member of Tan Hiep Phat comes to visit the two children, takes them out to eat and play, and also does homework with them. On occasions such as Lunar New Year, Children’s Day and now Mid-Autumn Festival, Tan Hiep Phat’s Acting CEO and staff come to visit, so the children, my husband and I are very happy. We thank the Company for their companionship and support toward my family in raising my grandchildren to be good people.”

Many relatives who are the mothers, fathers, and grandparents of the afore-mentioned orphans are unemployed or are scrap collectors, street coffee vendors, and delivery people. Each person has his or her own situation, but they all expressed their joy and appreciation for Tan Hiep Phat Company’s comprehensive care for their families.

Tan Hiep Phat is just a typical example among many businesses that increasingly pay special attention to children as a way to be of service to society and the country for the goal of “one hundred years of growing people”.

Mrs. Le Thanh Hang, the mother of three children who have lost their father and suffered from loss of hearing and vision, and neurological disorders, said, “The children and I are all very happy when employees of Tan Hiep Phat Group always come to visit us, give health checks and encourage the whole family. The company not only provides monthly financial support for me to raise my three children, but also accompanies and encourages each child to strive in life in the face of difficulties and illnesses. So I am very happy and feel comforted a lot.”

“For Tan Hiep Phat, taking care of children is not a charity activity but a responsibility to the community in general, children in particular and the obligation to be of service to society, which is the core value we set right from the first day of establishment,” Mr. David Riddle emphasized.

That is also the philosophy that many Vietnamese businesses will continue to pursue in order to do business responsibly with the community in general, children in particular and to be of service to society.

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