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NA to issue resolution on mergers of provinces by June 30

The Saigon Times

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HCMC – The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee is expected to issue a resolution on the restructuring of commune-level administrative units while adopting a resolution on mergers of provinces nationwide by June 30.

The Central Steering Committee overseeing the implementation of Resolution 18 adopted by the 12th Party Central Committee (PCC) has issued Official Dispatch No. 43, outlining plans to restructure the political system’s organizational framework.

To ensure a streamlined two-tier local government system ahead of the 14th National Congress of the Party Central Committee, the Central Steering Committee has called for swift preparations to report at the 11th plenum of the PCC.

The NA’s Party Committee, in coordination with relevant agencies, will finalize a proposal to amend the Constitution and State laws. A report on institutional reforms must be submitted to the Politburo by March 25 and to the PCC by April 1.

The Government’s Party Committee is responsible for gathering feedback from localities and institutions, finalizing the proposal on the reorganization of administrative units, and developing a two-tier local government model – provincial and communal levels. This proposal will be submitted to the Politburo by March 25 and to the PCC by April 1.

The Party Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, along with central mass organizations, will work with relevant agencies to finalize a proposal to streamline the Vietnam Fatherland Front, social and political organizations, and state-assigned mass associations at all levels. This proposal must be submitted to the Politburo by March 25 and to the Central Committee by April 1.

Following the 11th plenum of the PCC, the Central Steering Committee will assign the Party Committee of the Government to guide the development and finalization of the proposal for restructuring and merging provincial- and communal-level administrative units.

This process includes defining functions, organizational structures, staffing, personnel arrangements, office locations, official residences, and asset management.

The NA’s Party Committee will oversee amendments to specific provisions of the 2013 Constitution, which must be completed by June 30.

The NA Standing Committee will approve a resolution on commune-level administrative unit reorganization, while the NA will pass a resolution on provincial-level administrative mergers, including the structure of Provincial People’s Councils and People’s Committees, by June 30.

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