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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Raising fish in the forest

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HCMC – Forests play a vital role in creating a diverse ecosystem and a fresher environment for human beings. Protecting, maintaining and conserving forests in Vietnam is a prioritized duty of not only the Government but also every individual and organization.

To join hands in this common cause, An Giang Tourimex has released tons of fish into the Tra Su cajuput forest.

According to the forest’s management board, the investor has released over 20 tons of fish into the forest up to now, and an additional 30 tons of fish will be released in the coming rainy season, taking the total amount to 50 tons.

An Giang Tourimex staff release fish into the Tra Su cajuput forest – PHOTOS: COURTESY OF AN GIANG TOURIMEX.

Raise fish to raise the forest

Shoals of fish finding food on the water surfaces or birds suddenly swooping down to catch their prey have been a regular image in the forest. This is one of the goals of the investor: enriching the food sources for animals in the forest, thus attracting birds to come for nesting and giving birth.

Raising fish also brings about many other benefits to the forest. Unlike raising fish in ponds or rafts, releasing fish into the forest makes the forest become a large-scale fish farm with unlimited space. The flourishing seaweed and moss become food for fish, while wild birds will feed on the fish. With a large number of fish all year long, the Tra Su cajuput forest is home to thousands of species of bird, creating a magnificent natural landscape that tourists can enjoy anytime.

Tilapia fish, one of the fish species that the investor has released into the forest, is regarded as an automatic water purifying machine thanks to its wonderful ability to eliminate harmful factors in the water, ensuring the balance of the ecosystem here.

The strategic vision attached to the forest protection duty of An Giang Tourimex has been proved though the investor’s meaningful action of raising fish in the forest.

Birds nest on cajuput trees.

Bringing benefits to the forest

The value of natural resources lies in the future. Therefore, the enterprises, especially ecotourism investors, are always responsible for researching and developing projects that not only are environmentally friendly but also help conserve the nature in the long term.

Attracting wild birds by raising fish in the forest has gained great results. Many birds have come to the forest to find food, creating the image of flocks of white birds alighting on cajuput trees that previously tourists could rarely see before the rainy season. This also highlights the symbiotic relationship between animals and plants in the forest.
Unlike some large organizations that prioritize profits over environmental protection and humanity policies, Sao Mai Group has tasked An Giang Tourimex with the community mission of bringing benefits to the environment to help the society develop further.

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