28.4 C
Ho Chi Minh City
Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Vietnam rejects China’s sovereign claims in East Sea

HCMC – The Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on April 23 that it has contacted the Chinese side to reaffirm Vietnam’s standpoint on...

HCMC’s Cu Chi field hospital discharges last Covid-19 patient

HCMC – A 48-year-old man, who is linked to the Buddha Bar coronavirus cluster in HCMC, has recovered from Covid-19 and been released from...

Defendants in AVG-MobiFone case seek sentence commutations

HCMC - Defendants in the AVG-MobiFone case attended a court hearing in Hanoi this morning, April 23, seeking lesser sentences, Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper...

Banks will not ease lending rules for VND285t stimulus package

HCMC - Banks will simplify lending procedures to help businesses easily access the VND285 trillion stimulus package, but they will not ease lending standards...

HCMC approved to stop social distancing

HCMC – Having kept the coronavirus pandemic under control, HCMC has received the prime minister’s approval to stop the social distancing campaign at midnight...

Vietnam passes one week with zero new Covid-19 cases

HCMC - Vietnam reported no fresh Covid-19 infections this morning, April 23, marking a full week in which the country’s total number of coronavirus...

10+m workers in Vietnam face unemployment due to coronavirus: ILO

HCMC – The novel coronavirus pandemic will affect the livelihoods of 4.6 to 10.3 million workers in Vietnam by the end of the second...

Vietnam’s Covid-19 test kits meet European standards

HCMC - Vietnam-made Covid-19 test kits have been certified as meeting European standards by the United Kingdom’s Department of Health and Social Care, reported...

Domestic flights to resume operations tomorrow

HCMC – Local carriers are expected to resume domestic flights on a limited scale starting tomorrow, April 23. The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam has...

Vietnam to ease social distancing as no new Covid-19 infections reported in six days

HCMC - Vietnam has not reported new coronavirus cases for the sixth consecutive day, and the Government is expected to relax social distancing measures...

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