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Inspections launched into Covid test kit procurement in Hanoi, HCMC, at Health Ministry

The Saigon Times

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HCMC – The Government Inspectorate has launched inspections into the procurement of Covid-19 testing kits, vaccines, drugs and medical supplies and equipment at the Ministry of Health and in Hanoi and HCMC.

The inspection team at the Ministry of Health includes 14 members and is led by Diem Dang Viet, deputy head of the Department for Socio-Cultural Inspection under the Government Inspectorate. The inspection will last for 45 days, the local media reported.

Meanwhile, the inspection team in Hanoi, including six members and led by Le Ngoc Quang, deputy head of the Government Inspectorate’s Department for Sectoral Economic Inspection, will perform its duties for 30 days.

The inspection team in HCMC includes 12 members and is led by Nguyen Truong Giang, deputy head of the Department for Socio-Cultural Inspection. The inspection in the city will also last for 30 days.

The teams will inspect the purchase of the Covid testing kit, vaccine and equipment at the Ministry of Health and in Hanoi and HCMC between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2021. The period can be extended if needed.

Deputy Inspector General of the Government Inspectorate Tran Van Minh said these inspections were part of the inspectorate’s plans for this year and asked the teams not to disrupt the operations of the units subject to the checks and to comply with anti-pandemic measures.

He asked the Ministry of Health to appoint a person to act as an intermediary to work with the inspection team and facilitate the team to fulfill its duties.

Deputy Minister of Health Do Xuan Tuyen acknowledged Minh’s directions and assigned the chief inspector of the ministry to work directly with the inspection team.

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