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Ho Chi Minh City
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hue in brilliant pink flowers

Photo by Hoang Le

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As April graces Hue with its warm sunshine, the city bursts into shades of pink as the parasol trees bloom with brilliant pink flowers. From the Imperial Citadel to Tu Tuong Park, Nghinh Luong Dinh Pavilion, and along the banks of the Huong River, tourists are enchanted by this breathtaking sight.

Legend has it that the phoenix, a symbol of grace and beauty, prefers to perch on the parasol trees, lending them an aura of sacredness. As a result, these trees were traditionally cultivated only in revered locations such as the Imperial Citadel and the mausoleums of the Nguyen Dynasty’s kings.

Historical records suggest that King Minh Mang (1791 – 1841) ordered his soldiers to venture into the mountains and forests to collect these trees for planting within the citadel. Since then, the blooming of the parasol flowers in April has painted the citadel and parts of the central city in delicate shades of pink.

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